A French aviation expert has come forward to reveal his participation in a secret meeting held at the United Nations New York headquarters that discussed the UFO phenomenon from February 12-14. Gilles Lorant is an attaché to the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS- National Center for Scientific Research), which is a government-funded research organization, under the administrative authority of France's Ministry of Research. He is also a member Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense (IHEDN - the French Organization that produced the 1999 COMETA Report). Both CNRS and IHEDN are prestigious scientific organizations in France, and Lorant was invited to attend the UN meetings in a professional capacity. A report released by a French UFO organization (Federation of European Airplane ), of which Lorant is an executive member, contained a summary of the UN meeting where he describes what happened at the meeting.
Lorant revealed that a series of UN meetings were held over a three day period. In the meetings there was discussion of a confidential report, prepared by the U.S. Air Force and a branch of the National Guard, concerning the societal impact of UFO sightings. The initial meeting was held on February 12 and, according to Lorant's report, led to a request by three U.S. Senators for further discussions. Additional meetings were held immediately after on February 13 and 14. The implication is that three U.S. Senators attended the secret UN meetings. The meetings were very concerned about social upheaval from continued UFO sightings and the testimonies of individuals claiming to have first hand knowledge about UFO's, extraterrestrial life, and future global events. It was reported that adverse public reactions to UFO sightings could have a dramatic economic impact that could lead to recessions in some countries.
The emphasis on possible societal upheaval due to growing UFO sightings was reminiscent of recommendations of the 1953 Robertson Panel, convened by the CIA, which identified adverse public reactions as a major security threat that could be exploited by foreign enemies. The UN discussions appeared to match concerns identified in both the 1953 Robertson Panel and the 1961 Brookings Report to the U.S. Congress, over ramifications of UFO reports and the eventual discovery of extraterrestrial life.
2009 was raised as the year when an important change in official attitudes concerning the UFO phenomenon could be made. This suggested that the official debunking policy underway since the 1953 Robertson Panel would be abandoned and more serious study of the UFO phenomenon would occur. This indicated an important policy shift where the study of UFO's would be officially encouraged. However, certain global conditions would have to be met for the official opening. Most important appeared to be social stability in G-8 countries and the maintenance of liberal democratic systems in developing nations. Lorant also suggested that an official opening in attitudes would only occur if UFO sightings continued to occur at present levels.
Lorant's testimony provides independent corroboration for an anonymous source that first came forward on February 12 to reveal to two New York researchers (Clay and Shawn Pickering) that the UN meeting had taken place. The source's testimony was revealed in two articles published by this author on February 13 and 20 , and a follow up article by Robert Morningstar on Feb 25. Lorant's testimony gives more detailed information of what happened at the meeting, and is consistent with statements from the original source of the UN meeting concerning approximately 40 participants, multiple issues being discussed as well as the UFO phenomenon, and public reactions to increased UFO sightings. Most importantly, Lorant provides insight into reasons for a significant change in official public policy towards the UFO phenomenon.
The reported results of the UN meetings indicate agreement was reached for an international strategy to more seriously study the UFO phenomenon in a manner that maintains present levels of social stability. This raises the possibility that those presenting information on UFOs/extraterrestrial life deemed to threaten national stability or financial systems would receive special attention by national security agencies. The meetings results suggest that an official change in government policy from 'debunking' to 'openness' concerning UFO's would lead to official approval to narrowly define study of the UFO phenomenon. However, those claiming to have first hand experience of extraterrestrial life would be targeted as charlatans. The UN meeting thereby suggested continuation of policies aimed at exploiting divisions in the UFO community between researchers advocating a strictly scientific study of the UFO phenomenon, and those wishing to discuss testimonies/documentation concerning extraterrestrial life visiting Earth. An article exposing "Galactic COINTELPRO" is available here.
Lorant's testimony finally suggests that governments are being driven to a more open approach to the UFO phenomenon due to the recent increase sightings that are projected to continue well into 2009. What follows is a summary report of the UN meetings based on Lorant's testimony that appears in a newsletter of the FEA and is available in the original French.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.DKona, Hawaii 03/01/08www.Exopolitics.Org
[Acknowledgements] I thank Didier de Plaige for his kind assistance in helping confirm background information about Gilles Lorant, and for first revealing on his blogsite details about Lorant who at the time requested anonymity through a mutual acquaintance of de Plaige. I also thank Jean-Luc Bozzoli, Victor Viggiani and others for their assistance in translating the original French document.
***Newsletter No. 4 of the F.E.A, 25.02.2008 Posted by Jean-Jacques Yvars …
Dear Friends, …For strictly professional reasons and by coincidence, an active member of the FEA was invited to the UN in New York in the week starting February 11, 2008. This person took part in the development of discussions on the subject of UFOs, after the meeting of February 12. These discussions at the United Nations, brought forth further deliberations during three conferences held behind closed doors on 13 and 14 February, to which our member had the honor and pleasure to attend.
Here is a summary of the minutes that Mr. Gilles Lorant, invited to the meetings, kindly shared with us about what was said at the United Nations in New York:
On 12 February, the U.S. Air Force and the National Guard would actually presented a report on the subject of UFOs and the impact of sightings on many communities in the United States. Since this report was considered important for industrialized countries, representatives from several countries were invited to attend. Then, at the request of three United States Senators, a series of three meetings took place in the [two] following days, in the presence of forty representatives from twenty-eight member countries, including the Vatican (two countries did not send representatives). On both days, the subject of UFO's was discussed, for no more than an hour and a half, as one of the causes of social upheaval of a country, due to the high probability of economic recession resulting from the speeches of 'contactees', charlatans, religious [figures], some scientists and prophecies. Sightings of UFOs increase sharply the risk of social unrest threatening the political systems of several emerging democracies.
According to Mr. Gilles Lorant, what was discussed was an opening in official attitudes when publicly considering, in future, how to treat the UFO phenomenon. An official opening to be held under two conditions:
1) Until the end of 2009, that social peace in the G8 countries is guaranteed around the liberal democratic model (US version)
2) That by the end of 2009, the annoying manifestations of our "neighbors" continue to exist throughout the world.
Furthermore, also discussed was what position to adopt in case a non-aligned country decided to get ahead of the countries present at this meeting with the "officialization" of the subject. The atmosphere was rather serious, according to Mr. Lorant, the participants were, in fact, cognizant of the presence of "our neighbors" in our environment.
The suggestion agreed upon at the United Nations by the representatives of the 28 nations, in the course of these exchanges, is of paramount importance for public recognition of the topic. The official treatment of information relating to UFOs could be a turning point at the international level, if the circumstances remain favorable. The coming years could show a surprising evolution (development) of communications on the subject on the part of governments.
[Note: Original French Version available online at F.E.A. website and has also been archived here]
[Update, March 02, 2008- The above English translation was slightly modified to better clarify key passages after further consultation. The see the original English translation, click here. ]
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A collection of information that caught my interest, each in a moment of time. Over time it will grow as I live and learn; learn there is more than just a tiny corner that we each reside in, that there is a big universe in which we abound. We are each but a cell of the whole body of matter, a universe of all and for all.
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Saturday, October 31, 2009
Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent

President Obama chairs UN Security Council. Seated next to UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon
An official announcement by the Obama administration disclosing the reality of extraterrestrial life is imminent. For several months, senior administration officials have been quietly deliberating behind closed doors how much to disclose to the world about extraterrestrial life. Dissatisfaction among powerful institutions such as the U.S. Navy over the decades-long secrecy policy has given a boost to efforts to disclose the reality of extraterrestrial life and technology.
The impending disclosure announcement follows upon the secret implementation of a year long openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Over the period February 12-14, 2008, the United Nations held closed doors discussions where approximately 30 nations secretly agreed on a new openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in 2009. The openness policy was implemented but never publicly announced due to threats against UN diplomats not to disclose details of the secret agreement. h The secret UN agreement was based on two conditions. First, UFOs would continue to appear around the world; and second, the openness policy would not lead to social unrest in liberal democracies. Both conditions have been satisfied making it possible for the next stage to begin – official disclosure of extraterrestrial life.
Obama’s September 24, 2009 chairing of the UN Security Council meeting on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, signaled his emerging leadership role in tackling major global issues such as nuclear weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize was an important step in giving global legitimacy to President Obama in making an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. Obama is therefore poised to play a prominent role in the increased global governance that will be necessary after an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. The timing would most likely coincide sometime soon after his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009 in Oslo, Norway.
The impending disclosure announcement follows upon the secret implementation of a year long openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Over the period February 12-14, 2008, the United Nations held closed doors discussions where approximately 30 nations secretly agreed on a new openness policy on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in 2009. The openness policy was implemented but never publicly announced due to threats against UN diplomats not to disclose details of the secret agreement. h The secret UN agreement was based on two conditions. First, UFOs would continue to appear around the world; and second, the openness policy would not lead to social unrest in liberal democracies. Both conditions have been satisfied making it possible for the next stage to begin – official disclosure of extraterrestrial life.
Obama’s September 24, 2009 chairing of the UN Security Council meeting on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, signaled his emerging leadership role in tackling major global issues such as nuclear weapons. The Nobel Peace Prize was an important step in giving global legitimacy to President Obama in making an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. Obama is therefore poised to play a prominent role in the increased global governance that will be necessary after an extraterrestrial disclosure announcement. The timing would most likely coincide sometime soon after his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech on December 10, 2009 in Oslo, Norway.
There have been various sources that have revealed deliberations are underway to make an announcement concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life by the end of 2009. These include, Dr Pete Peterson, a whistleblower who has recently emerged revealing high level discussions have taken place concerning announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life. In a Project Camelot interview, Dr Peterson revealed that “Obama is planning to disclose the reality of ET contact by the end of the year; and that most, but not all, of the ET visitors are friendly.”
Another source is David Wilcock, a prominent researcher of emerging scientific paradigms. Wilcock has been told by additional independent sources that extraterrestrial disclosure will take place by the end of 2009. He furthermore claimed in a Coast to Coast AM radio interview that “a 2-hour international TV special has already been booked that will introduce an alien species, similar to humans, to the world.” In addition, popular NASA and space researcher, Richard Hoagland, has publicly come forward to reveal that the October 9, LCROSS ‘bombing’ mission of the moon, discovered an ancient base at the moon’s South Pole. Reviewing the scientific data achieved by NASA’s LCROSS mission, Hoagland concluded, also on the popular late night Coast to Coast AM radio show, that “LCROSS is part of a carefully constructed campaign to prepare the populace for imminent disclosure. The President of the United States will soon announce that scientists have discovered ruins on the moon, he added. Nobody saw the LCROSS debris plume because the probes struck a building which swallowed the effects of the explosion.” Finally, two independent and confidential sources have revealed to me that face to face meetings have recently occurred between U.S. military officials with one or more groups of extraterrestrial visitors. This has allegedly led to confidence being built for future cooperation with the extraterrestrials that will be formally announced to the world public either at the end of 2009, or early 2010.In conclusion, a diverse number of sources and events point to some form of extraterrestrial disclosure being made by the end of 2009, or early 2010. Official disclosure will most likely emerge in either of two scenarios. One is that President Obama will announce the existence of extraterrestrial visitors, and describe one or more of these to the world. This scenario is supported by Peterson, Wilcock, and my own confidential sources. The second scenario is that an announcement will be made concerning the discovery of artificial structures at the moon’s South Pole, as revealed by the LCROSS mission. This scenario is supported by Hoagland. Which ever of the above scenarios is used for announcing the existence of extraterrestrial life or technology, President Obama will figure prominently. Behind the scenes, powerful institutions are ensuring that nothing derails the planned disclosure announcement. The disclosure will follow upon a year of greater government openness on UFOs in accord with a policy secretly developed at the United Nations. If extraterrestrial disclosure does occur at the end of 2009 or early 2010, President Obama will lead an unprecedented effort to promote global governance through the United Nations. The Obama administration and its supporters are poised to take a bold step forward in helping our planet become an interplanetary culture that openly deals with the challenges posed by extraterrestrial life.
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As early as six years of age I have wondered "what's up there?" when I see the stars of night.
I have seen things I'm unable to identify. Many of you have too.
Then there are those who have neither concept nor interest in that which doesn't have a label and which is not simple, fully understandable and acceptable.
For fifty and more years I have watched the skies, studied and learned of the esoteric, knowledge that is restricted to a small group or few.
I will be posting items that come under this heading "Esoteric" for the content will be unknown by the majority, dismissed by many and accepted by the few. Thus the point of this blog is to have you become aware, to expand your consciousness, to read of things kept from the general public.
Other countries are releasing secret files that have been on the books for countless years. Yes, other countries are doing this but not the United States - yet. The time is come that we each and everyone have the right to know, the right to seek and understand many things that have been kept hidden from us by our government. This will change.
We may live in a closed box of our own design; nevertheless, there is a big world outside this box- more than we can know in this lifetime.
The words, "Be still and know....." suddenly flashes to mind. How truly profound this command for when we calm our mind, we find access to more than the daily mundane.
I have seen things I'm unable to identify. Many of you have too.
Then there are those who have neither concept nor interest in that which doesn't have a label and which is not simple, fully understandable and acceptable.
For fifty and more years I have watched the skies, studied and learned of the esoteric, knowledge that is restricted to a small group or few.
I will be posting items that come under this heading "Esoteric" for the content will be unknown by the majority, dismissed by many and accepted by the few. Thus the point of this blog is to have you become aware, to expand your consciousness, to read of things kept from the general public.
Other countries are releasing secret files that have been on the books for countless years. Yes, other countries are doing this but not the United States - yet. The time is come that we each and everyone have the right to know, the right to seek and understand many things that have been kept hidden from us by our government. This will change.
We may live in a closed box of our own design; nevertheless, there is a big world outside this box- more than we can know in this lifetime.
The words, "Be still and know....." suddenly flashes to mind. How truly profound this command for when we calm our mind, we find access to more than the daily mundane.
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