A collection of information that caught my interest, each in a moment of time. Over time it will grow as I live and learn; learn there is more than just a tiny corner that we each reside in, that there is a big universe in which we abound. We are each but a cell of the whole body of matter, a universe of all and for all.
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
What Is Obama Up Against?
http://www.truthout.org/11020910 What Obama Is Up Against by Russ Baker truthout News Analysis - November 2, 2009 The first anniversary of Barack Obama's historic election finds many of his supporters already grousing. Fair enough: Obama has been more vigorous in some areas than others. But one essential question goes unasked: How much can any president accomplish against the wishes of recalcitrant power centers within his own government? We Americans harbor a quaint belief that a new president takes charge of a government that eagerly awaits his next command. Like an orchestra conductor or perhaps a football coach, he can inspire or bludgeon and get what he wants. But that's not how things work at the top, especially where "national security" is concerned. The Pentagon and CIA are powerful and independent fiefdoms characterized by entrenched agendas and constant intrigue. They are full of lifers, who see an elected president largely as an annoyance, and have ways of dealing with those who won't come to heel. Compound that with the Bush-Cheney administration's aggressive seeding of its staunch loyalists throughout the bureaucracy, and you have a pretty tough situation. Obama, then, has to contend not only with the big donors and corporate lobbies. His biggest problem resides right inside his "team." The internal battles between American presidents and their national security establishments are not much reported. But if it is an invisible game; it is also a devious and even deadly one. Our civilian leaders end up mirroring the chronically nervous chiefs of state of the fragile democracies to our south. Those who do not kowtow to the spies and generals have had a bumpy ride. FDR and Truman both faced insubordination. Dwight Eisenhower, who had served as chief of staff of the US Army, left the White House warning darkly about the "military industrial complex." (He of all presidents had reasons to know.) John Kennedy was repeatedly countermanded and double-crossed by his own supposed subordinates. The Joint Chiefs baited him; Allen Dulles despised him (more so after JFK fired him over the Bay of Pigs fiasco), and Henry Cabot Lodge, his ambassador to South Vietnam, deliberately undermined Kennedy's agenda. Kennedy called the trigger-happy generals "mad" and spoke angrily to aides of "scattering the CIA to the wind." The evidence is growing that he suffered the consequences. In the 1950s, the late Col. L. Fletcher Prouty, a high-ranking Pentagon official, was assigned by CIA Director Allen Dulles to help place Dulles's officers under military cover throughout the federal government. As a result, Dulles not only knew what was happening before the president did, but had essentially infiltrated every corner of the president's domain. One Nixon-era Republican Party official told me that in the early 1970s, there were intelligence officers everywhere, including the White House. Nixon was unaware of the true background of many of his trusted aides, particularly those who helped drive him from office. Remember Alexander Butterfield, the so-called "military liaison," who told Congress about the White House taping system? Years later, Butterfield admitted to CIA connections. In December 1971, Nixon learned of a military spy ring, the so-called Moorer-Radford operation, that was piping White House documents back to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Chiefs were wary of secret negotiations the president and Henry Kissinger were conducting with America's enemies, including North Vietnam, China and the USSR, and decided to keep tabs on this intrusion upon their domain. Jimmy Carter came into office as revelations of CIA abuses made headlines. He tried to dismantle the agency's dirty tricks office, but wound up instead a victim of it - and a one-term president. Those who avoided problems - Johnson, Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr. - were chief executives that made no problems for the Pentagon and intelligence chiefs. All embraced military and covert operations, expanded wars or launched their own. The agile Bill Clinton was a special case - no babe in the woods, he focused on domestic gains and pretty much steered clear of the hornets' nest. As for the Bushes, their ascension represented a seizure of power by the national security state itself. Their family had profited from arms manufacturing for decades. The patriarch, Prescott Bush, monitored US assassination plots against foreign leaders as a senator; and records indicate that the elder George Bush had been a secret agency operative for decades before he became CIA director - and then, 12 years later, president. Obama seems to understand his narrow range of movement, and to be carefully picking his fights. He retained many of Bush's top military brass, and even Bush's Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who himself had served as a CIA director for Bush's father. He has trod very carefully with the spy agency, and has declined to aggressively investigate Bush administration wrongdoing on torture and wiretapping. Obama's campaign rhetoric about disengaging from Iraq seems a long time ago, and the war in Afghanistan is taking on the hues of permanency. The old boys' network is very much in place, and it is hard at work to force Obama's hand, a la Vietnam. Witness the leaking of Gen. Stanley McChrystal's supposedly "confidential report" calling for escalation in Afghanistan. The leak was, not surprisingly, to the reliable Bob Woodward. The reporter was himself in Naval Intelligence shortly before he went to work at the Washington Post, where he soon built a career around leaks from the military and spy establishment. The White House was furious at the McChrystal release. But what could it do? Presidents come and go, and the security folks have ways to hasten the latter. Covert alliances and payments to corrupt foreign allies continue, making creative diplomacy more difficult. In late October came a front-page story that the brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, suspected of being a major figure in that country's opium trade, has been on the CIA's payroll for eight years. Anyone who finds this shocking should go back and read about the CIA and the drug trade in Southeast Asia. Throughout its six-decade history, the CIA has resisted accountability, with even some of its own nonspook directors kept in the dark about the agency's most troubling activities. As for the public's elected representatives, Nancy Pelosi is the most recent in a long line of legislators to accuse the CIA of deliberately misleading Congressional overseers. None of this is likely to change soon, and not without a huge fight. Half a century after Ike's famous admonition, conflict and intrigue remain the engine of our economy, and everyone from private equity firms to missile makers to car and truck manufacturers count on that to continue. The homeland security industry, the most recent head to grow on this hydra, is now seeking permanency. So Barack Obama is boxed in. But so are the American people, and so, really, is democracy itself. Bringing this inconvenient truth out in the open is the essential first step toward taking back control of our government - and our future. For all the reasons laid out here, Obama will need help. He may, in the rote formulation, hold "the most powerful office in the world." However, the extent to which he controls the government he heads, is another matter. ---Russ Baker is an investigative journalist and founder of the nonprofit reporting web site whowhatwhy.com. His latest book, "Family of Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, America's Invisible Government, and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years," now available in hardcover, will be published in paperback November 10. Gore Vidal calls it "one of the most important books of the past ten years."
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Atom Smasher - Large Hadron Collider
From http://www. theage.com/technology
Atom smasher restart an 'enormous success': scientists
November 24, 2009 - 3:35PM

The tunnel in the Large Hadron Collider. Photo: CERN
Scientists on Monday hailed the restart of the Large Hadron Collider as an "enormous success" as two beams began circulating simultaneously in the world's biggest atom smasher.
"The first three days have been in my opinion an enormous success. We've shown that the LHC machine is in superb condition from the beam quality viewpoint," said Steve Myers, director of accelerators and technology at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN).
"The breaking news is that we have two beams circulating simultaneously in the LHC. That just happened three-quarters of an hour ago," he added during a press briefing on Monday.
The Large Hadron Collider, built in a 27-kilometre tunnel straddling the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, was started with great fanfare in September 2008, but was shut down nine days later due to technical faults.
A failure in an electrical connection had led to serious damage, leaving scientists to spend 14 months repairing the device.
On Friday, scientists injected the first sub-atomic particles back into the collider and managed to get the particle beams circulating in the accelerator once again.
With two beams now circulating at the same time, the machine is poised for its first collisions.
Expected to occur over the next 10 to 15 years during which the LHC will operate, such collisions would generate masses of data that could unlock mysteries about the creation of the universe and the fundamental nature of matter.
CERN scientists said they were aiming to get the LHC running at an energy equivalent of 1.2 teraelectronvolts by year end.
This would already surpass the one teraelectronvolt maximum output of what is now the largest functioning collider in the world, at the Fermilab near Chicago in the United States.
By next year, the LHC should be ramped up to 3.5 teraelectronvolts, reaching close to five teraelectronvolts in the second half of next year, Myers said.
"Already with 3.5 tev, we can open new windows into physics. That can already happen next year," said CERN director-general Rolf-Dieter Heuer.
At the same time, Heuer would not predict how soon new data could be generated from the LHC, stressing that "it depends on how kind nature is to us".
The LHC at CERN took nearly 20 years to complete at a cost of six billion Swiss francs ($6.3 billion).
The massive experiment aims to resolve some of the greatest enigmas in physics such as an explanation for "dark matter" and "dark energy" that account for 96 per cent of the cosmos and whether other dimensions exist parallel to our own. (bold mine, Sissy)
The Holy Grail will be finding a theorised component called the Higgs boson, which would explain how particles acquire mass. Believed to be ubiquitous - yet also frustratingly elusive until now - the Higgs has been dubbed the "God particle".
Atom smasher restart an 'enormous success': scientists
November 24, 2009 - 3:35PM

The tunnel in the Large Hadron Collider. Photo: CERN
Scientists on Monday hailed the restart of the Large Hadron Collider as an "enormous success" as two beams began circulating simultaneously in the world's biggest atom smasher.
"The first three days have been in my opinion an enormous success. We've shown that the LHC machine is in superb condition from the beam quality viewpoint," said Steve Myers, director of accelerators and technology at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN).
"The breaking news is that we have two beams circulating simultaneously in the LHC. That just happened three-quarters of an hour ago," he added during a press briefing on Monday.
The Large Hadron Collider, built in a 27-kilometre tunnel straddling the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva, was started with great fanfare in September 2008, but was shut down nine days later due to technical faults.
A failure in an electrical connection had led to serious damage, leaving scientists to spend 14 months repairing the device.
On Friday, scientists injected the first sub-atomic particles back into the collider and managed to get the particle beams circulating in the accelerator once again.
With two beams now circulating at the same time, the machine is poised for its first collisions.
Expected to occur over the next 10 to 15 years during which the LHC will operate, such collisions would generate masses of data that could unlock mysteries about the creation of the universe and the fundamental nature of matter.
CERN scientists said they were aiming to get the LHC running at an energy equivalent of 1.2 teraelectronvolts by year end.
This would already surpass the one teraelectronvolt maximum output of what is now the largest functioning collider in the world, at the Fermilab near Chicago in the United States.
By next year, the LHC should be ramped up to 3.5 teraelectronvolts, reaching close to five teraelectronvolts in the second half of next year, Myers said.
"Already with 3.5 tev, we can open new windows into physics. That can already happen next year," said CERN director-general Rolf-Dieter Heuer.
At the same time, Heuer would not predict how soon new data could be generated from the LHC, stressing that "it depends on how kind nature is to us".
The LHC at CERN took nearly 20 years to complete at a cost of six billion Swiss francs ($6.3 billion).
The massive experiment aims to resolve some of the greatest enigmas in physics such as an explanation for "dark matter" and "dark energy" that account for 96 per cent of the cosmos and whether other dimensions exist parallel to our own. (bold mine, Sissy)
The Holy Grail will be finding a theorised component called the Higgs boson, which would explain how particles acquire mass. Believed to be ubiquitous - yet also frustratingly elusive until now - the Higgs has been dubbed the "God particle".
Friday, November 13, 2009
The Blackout in South America
November 13, 2009
Mysterious Sun Gate ‘Time Wave’ Blacks Out South America
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today is claiming that the massive power blackout that hit South America this past week was due to a ‘Time Wave’ that emanated from the mysterious Bolivian Andes region called Tiahuanaco where the mysterious 10 ton “Gateway of the Sun” monolithic (carved from a single block of Andesite granite) [photo top left] is located and was ‘triggered’ by an ‘anomalous event’ at the World's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [photo 2nd left], in Switzerland run by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and ‘rippled through’ the thousands of ancient pyramid complexes located throughout Brazil and other countries of South America.
[Note: Time Waves as refereed to in these reports are more commonly known in the Western World as gravitational waves which are fluctuations in the curvature of spacetime.]
According to these reports, the CERN scientists at the Large Hadron Collider began a series of experiments on November 1st (2009) in preparation for the restarting of operations when they “shockingly” discovered that their testing was distorting our Earth’s magnetic field and had “shot off” a “Time Wave” towards the core of our Planet that their tracking showed “veered exactly” towards the ‘Sun Gate’ high in the Bolivian Andes Mountains.
Most unfortunately, however, was when the initial ‘Time Wave’ spawned by the LHC ‘erupted’ from the ‘Sun Gate’ and headed out towards the space above South America it (literally) ‘glanced into’ the path of an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 flown by Air Comet which was ready to begin its descent into Santa Cruz, Bolivia but then found itself ‘instantly and mysteriously’ over the skies of Santa Cruz, Spain over 5,500 miles (8,900 km) away. [Note: All 170 passengers and the crew of flight A7-301were safe and after 17 hours on the ground in Spain departed back to Bolivia where they arrived safe and sound.]
After this mysterious event CERN scientists shut down the LHC blaming their failed experiment on a bird dropping a piece of bread onto outdoor machinery, after which their Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, warned that the titanic LHC machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or “unknown unknowns” such as an “extra dimension”.
But, even after shutting down the LHC the “dimensional distortions” created in South America by this ‘Time Wave’ continued to felt and led to the “Gateway of the Sun” monolith sending out what Russian scientists have likened to a “digital communication” towards the thousands of Pyramids in Brazil and other “ancient sites” throughout the Andes Region of South America and leading to the massive power outage that plunged tens-of-millions into darkness.
Brazilian government officials in seeking to hide the true cause of this massive power outage had originally blamed it on “atmospheric discharges related to strong rain and wind”, a claim immediately shot down by State prosecutors who are demanding the public be told the truth before the week is out.
Even worse for these regions in South America, these reports continue, is that the ‘effects’ of this ‘Time Wave’ may be ‘far from over’, according to Russian scientists who have noted a marked increase in seismic activity throughout the locations of the most ancient cities in Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.
The latest of these ancient cities to be hit by the effects of this ‘Time Wave’ are the pre-Inca ruins located near Calama on the banks of the river Loa which was struck today by a powerful 6.5 magnitude earthquake, and the Bolivian regions of Tiahuanaco struck by a 5.8 magnitude trembler shortly thereafter.
Not being widely known to most peoples in the West is that the America’s have one of the largest concentrations of ancient sacred sites and pyramids in the World, especially in Brazil where in 1996 the oldest of these structures were discovered and dated to have been built centuries before the great pyramids in Egypt.
Unlike their Egyptian counterparts however, the builders of the pyramids in the America’s are not known, and in the case of the 12 Brazilian pyramids lying near the Peruvian Andes Mountains (the longest and among the oldest mountains in the World) still unexplored.
Even more interesting to note about the ancient origins of the peoples of South America is the base root of all of their languages being tied to Europe in what many Russian historians categorize as the Antediluvian “pre-flood” period of human civilization before the last great cataclysmic changes to our Earth took place an estimated 5,000 years ago.
Now with the age of the South America Andes region known, and being combined with the thousands of ancient pyramids and cities built there (with a precision we are still unable to match in our modern times) many Russian historians have long theorized that these great mountains became the home of the most advanced members of the pre-flood civilization who had fled there when our Earth last overturned itself.
Even more interesting to note are those theories that state that the ancient survivors of these cataclysmic Earth changes set up a ‘warning system’ throughout South America (its vast Amazon region known to be the “lungs of our World”) that is connected to our entire Planet to forewarn future generations of human kind when these horrors would be visited upon our species once again. And their ‘method’ of establishing this ‘warning system’, and encoding the memories of our Earth’s most ancient past, was through the building of pyramids, all around the Globe, of silicon rich stones such as granite and sandstone.
Not known to many is that the basis of our present modern technological age is our Earth’s most common metalloid, silicon, the second most abundant element after oxygen on our Planet that makes up fully 25.7% of our Earth’s crust, and which without we would not have glass, concrete, cement or any electrical device, especially computers. Even more importantly, the ability of silicon to both store and transmit power are termed vital to our Planets long-term survival against the ravages that nearly two centuries of using fossil fuels has visited upon us all.
What is not known to our scientists of today is how powerful this ancient ‘silicon warning system’ actually is, or how much of it is still intact. But now, after it’s being struck by this new “Time Wave” there are fearful glimpses, indeed, of the unimaginable power still latent within it. To what purpose does it hold for our present World? That is not known by the scientists of today, but only by those of the long ago yesterdays of our human past who have through the centuries warned of the things to come.
Much too sadly there are too few left to heed the ancient warnings, let alone act to protect themselves from the catastrophic horrors to come.
But, for those seeking the truest knowledge of these things they should start re-learning how to listen to the rocks, a suggestion that the vast majority of these peoples will most certainly scoff and ridicule at, while at the same time listening to their music playing on their ‘modified rocks’ for hearing they call radios, or ‘modified rocks’ for viewing they call television, or the ‘modified rocks’ for writing they call computers.
© November 13, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1298.htm
Mysterious Sun Gate ‘Time Wave’ Blacks Out South America
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today is claiming that the massive power blackout that hit South America this past week was due to a ‘Time Wave’ that emanated from the mysterious Bolivian Andes region called Tiahuanaco where the mysterious 10 ton “Gateway of the Sun” monolithic (carved from a single block of Andesite granite) [photo top left] is located and was ‘triggered’ by an ‘anomalous event’ at the World's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) [photo 2nd left], in Switzerland run by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and ‘rippled through’ the thousands of ancient pyramid complexes located throughout Brazil and other countries of South America.
[Note: Time Waves as refereed to in these reports are more commonly known in the Western World as gravitational waves which are fluctuations in the curvature of spacetime.]
According to these reports, the CERN scientists at the Large Hadron Collider began a series of experiments on November 1st (2009) in preparation for the restarting of operations when they “shockingly” discovered that their testing was distorting our Earth’s magnetic field and had “shot off” a “Time Wave” towards the core of our Planet that their tracking showed “veered exactly” towards the ‘Sun Gate’ high in the Bolivian Andes Mountains.
Most unfortunately, however, was when the initial ‘Time Wave’ spawned by the LHC ‘erupted’ from the ‘Sun Gate’ and headed out towards the space above South America it (literally) ‘glanced into’ the path of an Iberworld Airbus A330-300 flown by Air Comet which was ready to begin its descent into Santa Cruz, Bolivia but then found itself ‘instantly and mysteriously’ over the skies of Santa Cruz, Spain over 5,500 miles (8,900 km) away. [Note: All 170 passengers and the crew of flight A7-301were safe and after 17 hours on the ground in Spain departed back to Bolivia where they arrived safe and sound.]
After this mysterious event CERN scientists shut down the LHC blaming their failed experiment on a bird dropping a piece of bread onto outdoor machinery, after which their Director for Research and Scientific Computing, Sergio Bertolucci, warned that the titanic LHC machine may possibly create or discover previously unimagined scientific phenomena, or “unknown unknowns” such as an “extra dimension”.
But, even after shutting down the LHC the “dimensional distortions” created in South America by this ‘Time Wave’ continued to felt and led to the “Gateway of the Sun” monolith sending out what Russian scientists have likened to a “digital communication” towards the thousands of Pyramids in Brazil and other “ancient sites” throughout the Andes Region of South America and leading to the massive power outage that plunged tens-of-millions into darkness.
Brazilian government officials in seeking to hide the true cause of this massive power outage had originally blamed it on “atmospheric discharges related to strong rain and wind”, a claim immediately shot down by State prosecutors who are demanding the public be told the truth before the week is out.
Even worse for these regions in South America, these reports continue, is that the ‘effects’ of this ‘Time Wave’ may be ‘far from over’, according to Russian scientists who have noted a marked increase in seismic activity throughout the locations of the most ancient cities in Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina.
The latest of these ancient cities to be hit by the effects of this ‘Time Wave’ are the pre-Inca ruins located near Calama on the banks of the river Loa which was struck today by a powerful 6.5 magnitude earthquake, and the Bolivian regions of Tiahuanaco struck by a 5.8 magnitude trembler shortly thereafter.
Not being widely known to most peoples in the West is that the America’s have one of the largest concentrations of ancient sacred sites and pyramids in the World, especially in Brazil where in 1996 the oldest of these structures were discovered and dated to have been built centuries before the great pyramids in Egypt.
Unlike their Egyptian counterparts however, the builders of the pyramids in the America’s are not known, and in the case of the 12 Brazilian pyramids lying near the Peruvian Andes Mountains (the longest and among the oldest mountains in the World) still unexplored.
Even more interesting to note about the ancient origins of the peoples of South America is the base root of all of their languages being tied to Europe in what many Russian historians categorize as the Antediluvian “pre-flood” period of human civilization before the last great cataclysmic changes to our Earth took place an estimated 5,000 years ago.
Now with the age of the South America Andes region known, and being combined with the thousands of ancient pyramids and cities built there (with a precision we are still unable to match in our modern times) many Russian historians have long theorized that these great mountains became the home of the most advanced members of the pre-flood civilization who had fled there when our Earth last overturned itself.
Even more interesting to note are those theories that state that the ancient survivors of these cataclysmic Earth changes set up a ‘warning system’ throughout South America (its vast Amazon region known to be the “lungs of our World”) that is connected to our entire Planet to forewarn future generations of human kind when these horrors would be visited upon our species once again. And their ‘method’ of establishing this ‘warning system’, and encoding the memories of our Earth’s most ancient past, was through the building of pyramids, all around the Globe, of silicon rich stones such as granite and sandstone.
Not known to many is that the basis of our present modern technological age is our Earth’s most common metalloid, silicon, the second most abundant element after oxygen on our Planet that makes up fully 25.7% of our Earth’s crust, and which without we would not have glass, concrete, cement or any electrical device, especially computers. Even more importantly, the ability of silicon to both store and transmit power are termed vital to our Planets long-term survival against the ravages that nearly two centuries of using fossil fuels has visited upon us all.
What is not known to our scientists of today is how powerful this ancient ‘silicon warning system’ actually is, or how much of it is still intact. But now, after it’s being struck by this new “Time Wave” there are fearful glimpses, indeed, of the unimaginable power still latent within it. To what purpose does it hold for our present World? That is not known by the scientists of today, but only by those of the long ago yesterdays of our human past who have through the centuries warned of the things to come.
Much too sadly there are too few left to heed the ancient warnings, let alone act to protect themselves from the catastrophic horrors to come.
But, for those seeking the truest knowledge of these things they should start re-learning how to listen to the rocks, a suggestion that the vast majority of these peoples will most certainly scoff and ridicule at, while at the same time listening to their music playing on their ‘modified rocks’ for hearing they call radios, or ‘modified rocks’ for viewing they call television, or the ‘modified rocks’ for writing they call computers.
© November 13, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1298.htm
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Virgin Mary ‘Warning To World”
Draws Thousands To Irish Shrine
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A report from Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona on the latest Virgin Mary apparitions appearing in Donegal, Western Ireland, state that the thousands of faithful who had assembled were witness to one of the most extraordinary, and rare, events in human history, a message of warning issued to our race by the “celestial” beings who have long watched over our Planet and to many peoples, and religions, are called “gods”.
Though being heavily censored by the estimated 100 news organizations which accompanied the estimated 10,000 of the faithful to Donegal Shrine, Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona did confirm the “spinning of the sun” as it “swooped” towards the masses changing its colours from blue, to red, to green and then to sparkling white before “resettling” itself in its proper place in the sky causing fear to some, and “rapturous joy” to others.
Important to note about this extraordinary event is that it mirrors nearly exactly those which occurred during our World’s last cataclysmic upheaval in the 20th Century when in the midst of our Planet’s first World War in 1917 (the predecessor “event” to the much more destructive Great Depression, Great Famines and World War II), tens of thousands of the faithful gathered together in Fatima, Portugal to witness what is called the “Miracle of the Sun” and was described by one witness, Columnist Avelino de Almeida of O Século (Portugal's most influential newspaper) as such:
“Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws - the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the people...the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds...The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands...people wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they.”
Also to note about this extraordinary event is another of its striking resemblances to Fatima, where in the 1917, three children, Lúcia Santos [death photo 4th left] and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, were visited by the Virgin Mary in a series of “apparitions” where the “celestial” visitor bestowed upon our World the warnings of the many catastrophic horrors to come, and in 1938 reappeared in Kerrytown, near Dungloe in rural west Donegal, Ireland, to the little child daughters of the Ward family, and as we can read from the accounts of that time:
“It began in 1938 when a young girl and her sisters from Kerrytown in the Templecronas (church of St. Crones) parish were sent at night to secure outhouses for arriving guests. The young girl set about tidying up but stopped and looked at a massive wall of rock close by. The rock rose to 15 feet high. Atop the rock stood a beautiful lady dressed in white. The young girl called out to her sisters who ran over and also saw the apparition. Soon, others heard them and gathered round to witness the beautiful lady in white. Some ran for the parish priest, Father McAteer, but he dismissed them saying it was "just another ghost story."
Several days later, the apparition of the lady in white appeared at the rock again. And once again, the locals ran for the priest. He declined at first but changed his mind after a while and decided to travel to the farm to end the nonsense once and for all. He stayed at the farm for several hours but saw nothing. Convinced that his parishioners were daft, he gathered his things to leave, amidst the pleas of the young girl and her sisters and many of the locals. As he climbed onto his buggy, he looked up one more time at the massive rock. There, standing on the top of the rock was a beautiful lady dressed in white. He says in his personal account:
“Suddenly, I saw a mass of rock turn marble white. Over the Rock came a fiery golden cloud, and in front of the cloud stood a majestic lady, clothed in white...her hair hanging down on her shoulders. She looked at me with a severe look and said, "Now, will you believe!" I stretched out my arms, opened my palms, and asked for forgiveness.”
Like her previous warning in 1917 of the great cataclysms to come, the Virgin Mary’s warnings in 1938 were born out when just 10 months later, on September 1, 1939, the armies of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia invaded Poland and plunged our Planet into Total Global War, and known to the West as World War II, and to the Russians as The Great Patriotic War, and which claimed nearly 100 Million lives of our human race.
On the 13th of September, 2007, the Virgin Mary appeared again in Donegal to a group of local peoples, one of whom, Joe Coleman, wrote about by saying:
“I stood in front of the statue of Mother Mary. Colette Lumdsum stood on my left side, and Sheila Mc Carthy sat on the rock. Most of the other people were in the shelter, or at the side of it. During the first 10 minutes I noticed the face of Mary change to her Son Jesus, it then changed to Padre Pio, then back to Jesus, and then back to Mary. She was very beautiful when she appeared to this time at the rock. She was crying tears of great sadness for the children of Ireland. She asked me to me tell all the people that had come to the rock, that everybody would receive a cure on this day at the rock.”
Note: Photo top left is current Donegal Shrine; photo second left is Joe Coleman’s rendition of the Virgin Mary he witnessed.
Most interesting to note about the Virgin Mary’s reappearance at the Donegal Shrine in 2007 was its being during a time of growing threat of Total Global War, Great Famine or Cataclysmic Global Economic Collapse such as those occurring during her 1917 warning appearance at Fatima, and her 1938 warning appearance prior to World War II.
But, perhaps, no year of these appearances of the Virgin Mary in Donegal is more important than this one as in the later part of May, 2009, she was reported to have appeared before a group of visiting Sisters from England and warned them by saying, “In the land of the moving stones I will show you a sign from the sea that will soon wash upon your shores”, and which a week later saw the “creation” of what is described as one of the most “intriguing” crop circles ever to have appeared on our Planet of a giant 600 foot jellyfish [photo 3rd left] in Oxfordshire, which is home to the ancient and mysterious Rollright Stones, and which after this crop circles appearance was followed in mid-June by a warning from British scientists that “dangerous and even deadly jellyfish are poised to enter British waters in bumper numbers”.
The Virgin Mary’s next appearance was in late September, 2009, when she was reported to have taken “human form” and whose visit was described by the faithful witnesses Belfast Telegraph thusly:
“It was a crazy evening. It was absolutely amazing. I am still on an emotional high. All but one person seemed to see the same thing," recalled James Boyle, from Ardara, who was at the site with his wife Margaret and children, Martin (10) and Mary (11).
“We went into the shelter facing the rock and at a few minutes to eight someone suggested we should start the rosary. We had no sooner started than someone shouted 'look up'. To the left of the cross, another cross appeared in the sky and as soon as it disappeared, another one appeared. It lasted about 10 minutes," he explained.
Then people began noticing that the white statue with its red heart had begun changing colour and form. She appeared to have a human face and her head turned and she looked at people. She looked down at the children who were at the front," he said. One woman explained how the statue began crying and she went up to dry the tears. The tears were running down from her eyes.”
So with this latest “Miracle of the Sun” on the very day, October 31st, of the ancient Celts Samhain Festival (which marks the end of the harvest, the end of the ‘lighter half’ of the year and beginning of the ‘darker half’, and in the West has been renamed Halloween, and made into All Saints Day by the Catholic Church), Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona in their report conclude that the “message of duality” being given to us from this “celestial” visitor cannot be ignored.
The “signs of the jellyfish” given by the Virgin Mary, the Sisters say, point us towards our two distinct and different lives (Most jellyfish undergo two distinct life history stages (body forms) during their life cycle.), and when coupled with her appearance on Samhain Festival day the warning given cannot be more clearer…we are all about to enter the “darker half” of this age, and unless we change into our most true “form” we cannot expect to survive.
To who will “hear” this latest message of the Virgin Mary it is not in our knowing, other than to note that she has proven, beyond all doubt, that her warnings should be heeded at all costs.
© November 1, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved
Another report from Belfast. Ireland
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A report from Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona on the latest Virgin Mary apparitions appearing in Donegal, Western Ireland, state that the thousands of faithful who had assembled were witness to one of the most extraordinary, and rare, events in human history, a message of warning issued to our race by the “celestial” beings who have long watched over our Planet and to many peoples, and religions, are called “gods”.
Though being heavily censored by the estimated 100 news organizations which accompanied the estimated 10,000 of the faithful to Donegal Shrine, Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona did confirm the “spinning of the sun” as it “swooped” towards the masses changing its colours from blue, to red, to green and then to sparkling white before “resettling” itself in its proper place in the sky causing fear to some, and “rapturous joy” to others.
Important to note about this extraordinary event is that it mirrors nearly exactly those which occurred during our World’s last cataclysmic upheaval in the 20th Century when in the midst of our Planet’s first World War in 1917 (the predecessor “event” to the much more destructive Great Depression, Great Famines and World War II), tens of thousands of the faithful gathered together in Fatima, Portugal to witness what is called the “Miracle of the Sun” and was described by one witness, Columnist Avelino de Almeida of O Século (Portugal's most influential newspaper) as such:
“Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws - the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the people...the silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds...The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands...people wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they.”
Also to note about this extraordinary event is another of its striking resemblances to Fatima, where in the 1917, three children, Lúcia Santos [death photo 4th left] and her cousins Jacinta and Francisco Marto, were visited by the Virgin Mary in a series of “apparitions” where the “celestial” visitor bestowed upon our World the warnings of the many catastrophic horrors to come, and in 1938 reappeared in Kerrytown, near Dungloe in rural west Donegal, Ireland, to the little child daughters of the Ward family, and as we can read from the accounts of that time:
“It began in 1938 when a young girl and her sisters from Kerrytown in the Templecronas (church of St. Crones) parish were sent at night to secure outhouses for arriving guests. The young girl set about tidying up but stopped and looked at a massive wall of rock close by. The rock rose to 15 feet high. Atop the rock stood a beautiful lady dressed in white. The young girl called out to her sisters who ran over and also saw the apparition. Soon, others heard them and gathered round to witness the beautiful lady in white. Some ran for the parish priest, Father McAteer, but he dismissed them saying it was "just another ghost story."
Several days later, the apparition of the lady in white appeared at the rock again. And once again, the locals ran for the priest. He declined at first but changed his mind after a while and decided to travel to the farm to end the nonsense once and for all. He stayed at the farm for several hours but saw nothing. Convinced that his parishioners were daft, he gathered his things to leave, amidst the pleas of the young girl and her sisters and many of the locals. As he climbed onto his buggy, he looked up one more time at the massive rock. There, standing on the top of the rock was a beautiful lady dressed in white. He says in his personal account:
“Suddenly, I saw a mass of rock turn marble white. Over the Rock came a fiery golden cloud, and in front of the cloud stood a majestic lady, clothed in white...her hair hanging down on her shoulders. She looked at me with a severe look and said, "Now, will you believe!" I stretched out my arms, opened my palms, and asked for forgiveness.”
Like her previous warning in 1917 of the great cataclysms to come, the Virgin Mary’s warnings in 1938 were born out when just 10 months later, on September 1, 1939, the armies of Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia invaded Poland and plunged our Planet into Total Global War, and known to the West as World War II, and to the Russians as The Great Patriotic War, and which claimed nearly 100 Million lives of our human race.
On the 13th of September, 2007, the Virgin Mary appeared again in Donegal to a group of local peoples, one of whom, Joe Coleman, wrote about by saying:
“I stood in front of the statue of Mother Mary. Colette Lumdsum stood on my left side, and Sheila Mc Carthy sat on the rock. Most of the other people were in the shelter, or at the side of it. During the first 10 minutes I noticed the face of Mary change to her Son Jesus, it then changed to Padre Pio, then back to Jesus, and then back to Mary. She was very beautiful when she appeared to this time at the rock. She was crying tears of great sadness for the children of Ireland. She asked me to me tell all the people that had come to the rock, that everybody would receive a cure on this day at the rock.”
Note: Photo top left is current Donegal Shrine; photo second left is Joe Coleman’s rendition of the Virgin Mary he witnessed.
Most interesting to note about the Virgin Mary’s reappearance at the Donegal Shrine in 2007 was its being during a time of growing threat of Total Global War, Great Famine or Cataclysmic Global Economic Collapse such as those occurring during her 1917 warning appearance at Fatima, and her 1938 warning appearance prior to World War II.
But, perhaps, no year of these appearances of the Virgin Mary in Donegal is more important than this one as in the later part of May, 2009, she was reported to have appeared before a group of visiting Sisters from England and warned them by saying, “In the land of the moving stones I will show you a sign from the sea that will soon wash upon your shores”, and which a week later saw the “creation” of what is described as one of the most “intriguing” crop circles ever to have appeared on our Planet of a giant 600 foot jellyfish [photo 3rd left] in Oxfordshire, which is home to the ancient and mysterious Rollright Stones, and which after this crop circles appearance was followed in mid-June by a warning from British scientists that “dangerous and even deadly jellyfish are poised to enter British waters in bumper numbers”.
The Virgin Mary’s next appearance was in late September, 2009, when she was reported to have taken “human form” and whose visit was described by the faithful witnesses Belfast Telegraph thusly:
“It was a crazy evening. It was absolutely amazing. I am still on an emotional high. All but one person seemed to see the same thing," recalled James Boyle, from Ardara, who was at the site with his wife Margaret and children, Martin (10) and Mary (11).
“We went into the shelter facing the rock and at a few minutes to eight someone suggested we should start the rosary. We had no sooner started than someone shouted 'look up'. To the left of the cross, another cross appeared in the sky and as soon as it disappeared, another one appeared. It lasted about 10 minutes," he explained.
Then people began noticing that the white statue with its red heart had begun changing colour and form. She appeared to have a human face and her head turned and she looked at people. She looked down at the children who were at the front," he said. One woman explained how the statue began crying and she went up to dry the tears. The tears were running down from her eyes.”
So with this latest “Miracle of the Sun” on the very day, October 31st, of the ancient Celts Samhain Festival (which marks the end of the harvest, the end of the ‘lighter half’ of the year and beginning of the ‘darker half’, and in the West has been renamed Halloween, and made into All Saints Day by the Catholic Church), Sisters Aoibheann and Catriona in their report conclude that the “message of duality” being given to us from this “celestial” visitor cannot be ignored.
The “signs of the jellyfish” given by the Virgin Mary, the Sisters say, point us towards our two distinct and different lives (Most jellyfish undergo two distinct life history stages (body forms) during their life cycle.), and when coupled with her appearance on Samhain Festival day the warning given cannot be more clearer…we are all about to enter the “darker half” of this age, and unless we change into our most true “form” we cannot expect to survive.
To who will “hear” this latest message of the Virgin Mary it is not in our knowing, other than to note that she has proven, beyond all doubt, that her warnings should be heeded at all costs.
© November 1, 2009 EU and US all rights reserved
Another report from Belfast. Ireland
current world upheaval,
Virgin Mary
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